About CTB

At Clinical Trial Bid (CTB), we are redefining the way sponsors connect with vendors in the clinical trial industry.

Our AI-enhanced platform is designed to assist sponsors in precisely defining their trial needs, automatically generating detailed RFPs that match with the right vendors in our extensive database that has over 4500 service providers.

CTB ensures that only the most suitable vendors get to bid on the right RFPs, streamlining the process and enhancing the quality of proposals received.

Why CTB?

The traditional method of finding the right vendors for clinical trials can be time consuming and inefficient. CTB simplifies this by using advanced AI to match sponsors with vendors whose services align perfectly with their trial requirements. Our platform eliminates guesswork and ensures that sponsors get the right proposals and can choose what is best for their clinical trial.

Our mission:

Our mission is to make the process of vendor selection, proposal generation, and bid management more accurate, efficient, and tailored to each trial’s specific needs.

Our vision:

We envision a more efficient, precise, and collaborative clinical trial industry where sponsors can focus on innovation and results rather than getting bogged down by the administrative complexities of vendor management. CTB is your trusted partner in making this vision a reality, helping you accelerate the path from concept to clinic.

Join us in revolutionizing the way clinical trials are conducted

What We Offer

  • Needs Definition & RFP Generation: We help sponsors articulate their trial needs clearly and generate comprehensive RFPs that capture every crucial detail.
  • AI-Driven Vendor Matching: Our intelligent matching system connects your RFPs with the most suitable vendors, ensuring that only qualified vendors participate in the bidding process.
  • Streamlined Bidding Process: CTB manages the entire bidding process, from proposal generation to final selection, ensuring a seamless experience for both sponsors and vendors.

Our Team

The team behind CTB combines decades of experience in the clinical trial industry and 15 years of software development expertise.

Zdravko Obradović MD, CEO & Founder
Aleksandar Šuletić CTO
Snezana Todosijević CFO
Ana Borich Head of Product Management
Marko Lužnjanin Product Marketing Manager
Miloš Miladinović Product Architect
Boško Bošković Product Architect
Milan Mišić AI Architect